Thursday, September 30, 2010

Week 1: Obsessive Consumption

This project is intended to get you using your pencils and pens, and also to get you to spend time considering the design that surrounds you and loading your sketchbooks with it. First check out the Obsessive Consumption website. Then...
For this project:
1. sketch one item per day that you buy for three days.
2. after sketching to your liking, go over each sketch in pen.
3. due Tuesday, 10/5, at least 3 sketches. Go for more!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Finding Design Everywhere

During this term, draw, describe, paint, otherwise document the design elements (shapes, lines, textures, colors) and design principles (unity & variety, contrast,grouping, repetition, proximity, movement, closure, balance, grids, patterns, rhythm, scale, proportion, emphasis, etc.) that surround you in your SKETCHBOOK. Bring at least one "Look Report" to each class. I will call on a few people each class to show us what they've added. I'll be describing more details in class. Don't worry, you'll be drawing very soon anyway. This will be part of your process grade. We will be covering the design principles the first three weeks and using them through out the term.

Examples (and they are infinite) include:
the textures, colors, shapes, lines (etc.) of...
cracks in the concrete
the space between branches
textiles, quilts,
tiles and floor designs
cd covers
live music
magazine ads and layouts
hand made signs and notes
power cables and cords
book covers
foreign films
telephone lines
musical instruments
wood grain
dream imagery
cereal boxes
bus passes
industrial designs
landscape architecture
reflections in windows
dirt piles
fliers and handbills
=>you get the picture!
You can use pens, pencils, photography, any thing that will get what you see into your sketchbook and so that I can see it.

Welcome to ART 115!

Today we will go over the syllabus, talk about what this class will cover, answer questions and take a survey.

Get the textbook by next class!
Start your first reading assignment
